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Metro Urology Pediatric Urology

Urologists are generally believed to care for men’s conditions. However, urologists are trained to take care of men, women, and children. Physicians who specialize in pediatric urology focus on problems of the pelvic and urinary organs that are unique to babies and children, and generally have specialty training beyond that of a general urologist.

Typically Pediatric Urology involves management of genital and urinary problems that occur in children with a special emphasis on developmental problems affecting the kidneys, bladder, urethra or genital tract. Common conditions treated by Metro Urology’s Pediatric Urologists include hypospadias (urine passage ending short of the end of the penis), hydronephrosis (obstruction of urine flow from the kidneys), cryptorchidism (undescended testes), reflux (backup of urine from the bladder toward the kidneys), and atrophy (abnormal development of the penis).

The Pediatric Urologists at Metro Urology offer compassionate care to your child while also providing you with time and thoughtful conversation to support your child’s continued health.

Learn more about our wonderful Pediatric Urology Team.