Prostate Cancer Help


A kidney tumor is an abnormal growth in the kidney. The terms “mass,” “lesion” and “tumor” are often used interchangeably. Tumors may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). The most common kidney mass is a fluid-filled area called a cyst. Simple cysts are benign, do not turn into cancer and usually do not require follow-up care. Solid kidney tumors can be benign or malignant.

The primary treatment option for kidney cancer is surgery to remove all or part of the kidney and the tumor. The removal of the entire kidney is called a radical nephrectomy. If you are a candidate for surgery, depending on your disease state and tumor location, you may not have to lose your entire kidney to surgery.  An emerging surgical technique, called partial nephrectomy, aims to remove only the diseased part of your kidney and spare the healthy, functioning kidney tissue.

Individuals who are diagnosed with Kidney Cancer that requires a partial nephrectomy surgery now can benefit from the da Vinci® Surgical System. This robot-assisted surgery system allows doctors to perform laparoscopic and some complex surgeries with greater precision and control than traditional surgery. Some formerly invasive surgeries can even now be performed laparoscopically using da Vinci.

Metro Urology was one of the first specialty practice groups in the Twin Cities to offer the state-of-the-art da Vinci system for treatment of kidney cancer.

Benefits of Robotic Surgery for Kidney Cancer (Partial Nephrectomy) include:

  • Significantly less pain
  • Less blood loss
  • Fewer complications
  • Less scarring
  • A shorter hospital stay
  • And a faster return to normal daily activities
  • As with any surgery, benefits cannot be guaranteed, as surgery is patient- and procedure-specific. Your treatment options will depend on a number of factors, including your age and health or personal condition.